L O A D I N G . . .

Donate Today

Book Donations

Donations of gently used books, audiobooks, DVDs and CDs are welcome just prior to the Friend's Book Sale.  Due to space limitations, we are unable to accept donations for the book sale year round.

Visit www.onlib.org/donations to find out when and what libraries in Onondaga County accept book donations.

Donate to a Little Free Library! Little Free Libraries are free-standing neighborhood book exchanges. OFL and the Friends of OFL maintain one in the Nedrow area next to bus stop outside Green Hills. Or view this map find a Little Free Library in your area.


For her birthday party, in lieu of birthday presents, Kayleigh King asked her friends to donate money to her library. She collected over $100 for OFL, with which Kayleigh requested we buy "lots of colorful books".

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations are always welcome!  OFL accepts Paypal, cash and checks (payable to Onondaga Free Library).

Buy a Tile

Donations of $1000 or more will be recognized with a personalized tile in the library foyer.

In Honor/Memory of...

Please call or email the library if you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one. A name plate will be placed on the inside cover of the materials that were purchased through these donations.

*Donations are tax deductible- Donors will be sent a letter in recognition of their donation.