Board of Trustees
Chris McCarthy, President Beth Crump, Vice President Margaret Farrell, Treasurer Vacant, Secretary Patricia Forken Charlotte Garofalo Liz LaRochelle Rob Price |
Non-Voting Members: Susan Morgan, Director Scott Lipkowitz, Assistant Director Lisa Goodwin, Town of Onondaga Liaison |
Board Meetings, Minutes, Annual Reports & Bylaws
January 22
February 26
March 26 - Annual Meeting
April - no meeting
May 28
June - no meeting
July 23
August - no meeting
September 24
October 22
November - no meeting
December 17
March 27 (Annual Meeting)
April (no meeting)
June (no meeting)
August (no meeting)
November (no meeting)
January 25 (CANCELED)
March 23 (Annual Meeting)
April (no meeting)
June (no meeting)
August (no meeting)
April (no meeting)
June (no meeting)
August (no meeting)
October 26 (CANCELED)
January 27 (virtual)
February 24 (virtual)
April (no meeting)
June (no meeting)
August (no meeting)
November (no meeting)
March (virtual meeting held April 1)
April 22 (virtual)
June 24 (virtual)
July 22 (virtual)
August 26 (virtual)
September 23 (virtual)
October 28 (virtual)
November 18 (virtual)
December (virtual meeting held Dec. 16>
Contact the Board
Email the Board
The Board of Trustees can be reached directly via email at All correspondence will be reviewed and answered within seven (7) business days. The Board reserves the right to forward messages to the Director and/or other staff members if appropriate.
Attend a Board Meeting
The Onondaga Free Library Board of Trustees invites public comment on matters on the agenda to those who have signed up in advance with the Director of the Library or by emailing the Trustees at
Please limit your comments to 2 minutes or less. Written remarks may be provided to the Board of Trustees for dissemination to the Board if time expires before a speaker completes their remarks, or in lieu of speaking. The entire time period is set at 30 minutes to ensure the Board of Trustees can efficiently address the business on its agenda.
We request individuals to state their name prior to comments, provide the Library Secretary with their contact information for purposes of follow-up, and utilize the podium/microphone to address the Board. Although the Board will not respond directly to individual comments at this time so that it has time to look into matters and process them, items brought to the attention of the Board may be taken under consideration for a future response, action, or follow-up with the speaker.
Issues related to specific Library patrons or personnel, whether positive, negative, or neutral, must be brought to the attention of the Director privately in order to safeguard the privacy of those involved. The Board reserves the right to terminate a speaker’s comments if their comments are in excess of 2 minutes, are repetitive, or are not appropriate for discussion in an open public forum.
All visitors are reminded to abide by the Library Code of Conduct and to be respectful and courteous both as speakers and as audience members. We are a community focused on bettering public service for our community, some of whom may be present. Modeling appropriate behavior is required of visitors.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.